Step 1: Create a Google Meet Link
Navigate to Google Meet.
Click on "Create new meeting."
Select "Create a meeting for later" and copy the meeting link for future use. You will save this link to enter into your Bloom form and use it to access your meeting room later.
Step 2: Create and Set Up a Bloom Form
Log in to your Bloom account and go to the "Forms" section.
Click " New Form" and choose your form type. The options are Lead Capture, Instant Booking, Scheduling, and Questionnaire.
For Lead Capture, and Questionnaire forms, from the Build tab, click
"+ Add Entry" and select the date question from the question options. (For Scheduling forms the question will already be added by default)Within the date question form settings, edit the form settings:
Enter a question and optional description
Set the Location to Custom
Paste the copied Google Meet link into the location field.
Select the desired duration for the call.
Click Add and then Save the form.
For instant booking forms, scheduling settings are included in the instant booking question. Be sure to Enable Scheduling to access the settings.