When creating or editing your Form, Bloom gives you the option to present it to new or potential clients in a variety of ways. You can send it via URL in an Email, add that URL in a social post or have it in your bio. You can also directly embed it in your already existing site (if you choose not to build one through Bloom). Whether you'd like to use a button popup or directly embed it under one of your own tabs - here are the steps on how you'd do so:
Before adding any Forms. Make sure you've added the Bloom code snippet to the page where you want to add the Form. Remember, this process only has to be done once - you will not need this snippet for every additional form that you add to the same page. You can find the Snippet in any of your Form or Messenger settings (If you already added the snippet when integrating the messenger you can skip this step and go straight to embedding Form code):
Settings > Forms > New Form or choose an existing Form > Button Popup or Direct Embed > Get Code > Copy Code
Settings > Messenger > Get Code > Copy Code
To find the location of the embed in Photoshelter, follow these steps:
Head to Settings > paste the code into the Footer Code section > Save Settings
After you've successfully added the code snippet. You may notice that every page you added it to will now have your Bloom Messenger pop-up. If you'd like to only embed the forms without having the Messenger, please be sure to go disable it in the Settings. If you'd like to keep the Messenger pop-up, please skip this step:
Settings > Messenger > Status > Off
Head back to your Form settings and Copy the second code that is specific to your form:
Paste this code in between the <body></body> tags on every page you want your form on and there you have it - your Bloom forms are now live on your Photoshelter site.